Thursday, September 13, 2012

Umm, Miss P? How do you spell antidisestablishmentarianism?


Also the title of this post is accurate. One of my kids actually asked me and was so excited I knew how to spell it that he wanted to look it up to make sure I was right. Then he wanted to quiz me on other crazy words but I convinced him that this one was just a lucky guess. Prefixes and suffixes, my friend.

Student teaching has been ama-za-zing to say the least. I have a series of unrelated anecdotes from the past few weeks.

Today I introduced a few students to my "special file." Which I also sometimes call my "rectangular storage device." A few of them had some old vocabulary flashcards that we didn't need anymore and asked me what they should do with them. Naturally, I told them I would put the cards into my special special file for them. Then I put them into the recycling bin. They were highly amused.

A few weeks ago I was making a poster of prefixes and suffixes for the classroom. I was sitting in the back of the room with a giant poster board, markers, a ruler, and a pencil. Needless to say I was in my happy place. It was full of words, straight lines, and colors. One of my kids came up to me and asked me something. I said, "I don't know, dude. I'm in my happy place of words and colors right now so I haven't been paying attention to what you guys are doing." At this point I had started to outline a bunch of stuff with a black Sharpie so it smelled Sharpie-y. 

Kid: Miss P, I think your happy place stinks.
Me: Did you just make a play on words?
Kid: A what?
Me: What did you mean when you told me my happy place stinks?
Kid: Well it smells like markers but also I don't think a real happy place would be prefixes and suffixes...
Me: So you meant two things with "stink"?
Kid: Yeah!
Me: High five, dude.

He's a superstar.

Out-of-Context Quotes from the Whole Thing

"How many times did we measure before we cut?"
"...the important thing is I have another piece of wood."

"Is he a counselor or an idiot?"
"Are those the only two options?"

"What does it taste like?"
"Like a burning popsicle."

It's like a snot roller coaster.

You're not using a bear attack to get out of this. No one's gonna believe that sh*t.

"Dickweed. I'm pretty sure it's a spice."
"No, that's dillweed. But good try."