Nack is sick. He has a fever and a nasty, phlegmy cough. He has also puked multiple times. Incredibly loudly. I will GLADLY demonstrate my imitation of it if you ask me. I need a little room to do it, though. The running in circles part is crucial.
Friday was my last day of camp. I don't know what I'm going do to with myself on Monday. Maybe I'll go to the painty place and paint another mug! I can add a Bones mug! It can be friends with my House mug and my Castle mug!
My "clean all the things" shirt shrunk in the wash. I gave it to Mensa Mama. She's wearing it today.
I got a Chopin CD from the library. It was last checked out in 1999. But this is a no judgment zone so it's okay.
Nack's fever is back as of 10 minutes ago. I shall avoid him.
Out-of-context Quotes From the Past Few Days:
"Meniscus feniscus! Do we have any needles?"
"I AM! I AM walking across the damn Grand Canyon!"
"He (the dog) was with me (Nack) when I hurled around 8."
"Then he came to see ME (Molly) around 8:10 to tell me Nack was all HBBLUHBLUBLUHBLUHLBB. It was a nice way to wake up."
"It's not torn! It's slightly perforated! Like a movie ticket."
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