Bex and I went to Starbucks. I had a free thing I needed to use (not that anyone ever needs a real reason for going to Starbucks). We realized we hadn't gone to Starbucks together since last semester and didn't know which cupholder should have which drink in Trudy. No one else may see this as a problem because most people will remember where they put their drinks. Not us. They have to be in the same cupholders every time because otherwise I will grab the one where mine should be and drink it while I'm driving. I don't look down; I just grab it and trust that it's there (insert your choice of dirty joke here). Also, I don't like change. We realized we didn't remember whose coffee went in front and whose went in back! There are only two cupholders in the front of the car and we managed to forget how to do it right! Strugglebus!
We figured it out once I grabbed the coffee while driving while not thinking about it. We were right. Whew.
Then I played the stacking things game while everyone else was at their 1pm class. I really should play the stacking things game alone because I can't play it quietly. I have to gasp and scream and swear at it. I really really can't stop and it's ridiculous because the game is SO STUPID and SO STRESSFUL AND I LOVE IT. All you do is stack shapes and have them hold for 10 seconds. But the game picks the size and order of the shapes and each level gets harder and sometimes you have to precariously stack rectangles on CIRCLES and then if any of the circles are off center then you're basically screwed because your whole freaking tower starts slowly moving and rolling on the stupid circles and then it all falls down and you have to yell DOUCHECANOE or BALLSANDWIENERS (Brian) or NO!NO!NONONONONOO! or FWEEZE, SYKKO (throwback to baby Nitty). Also the shapes have faces and when things start to tilt their happy faces turn into terrified faces and their mouths open like they're silently screaming as they fall to their untimely deaths. And they make noise when you set them down. The triangles are especially cute. This game is on addicttinggames if anyone wants to lose their sanity.
Then we played wallyball (walleyball?) with Kristen and Sam. Yay! Then Bex ran into the wall and hurt her previously-wonky shoulder. Un-yay! But then Kristen had a beautiful set right where I needed it and I took a full approach and hit the piss out the the ball! Yay! Then it hit the back wall and was out! Un-yay! But it was worth it. Except for the injury. But there's an app for that.
That app is Advil.
Then Bex and I had a Celine Dion listening party. In the shower. She brought her battery-operated iPod speakers into the bathroom and we listened to My Heart Will Go On. Sadly, no one came into the bathroom. Or maybe they heard the song and decided they could just hold it. Either way, it was totally awesome.
Then me, Bex, Sam, Yashka, and Divya went to the MALL to go SHOPPING because Yashka needed a dress for a dance tomorrow. She ended up with 2 shirts and no dress. I ended up with no new shoes because I have self-control, mother. We went to the smoothie place and I had flashbacks to Randhurst and it made me sad (Trixie).
Then we went to see the Upright Citizens Brigade! It was hi-freaking-larious. I heart improv. Then we walked back in the SNOW and it was cold and not fun. But then we convinced Yashu to try on her outfit for tomorrow and model it and I told her I wanted to look at her butt and she didn't want me to (as usual) and Bex is wearing my silver heels because they're AWESOME and we had an earring party. The end.
Out-of-Context Quotes:
"Yashu has a problem."
"Which one?"
"He looks like the lovechild of Andy from Parks and the Sauce Boss!"
Assume? Azzume. Azzume. NO, assume!
How was work? Was the dog farting?
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