Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'll take History Can "S"uck It for 2000, Alex

My roommates and I have been really into forts lately.

Bex made my bed into a fort for my birthday. Then, Kristen made her bed into a fort because Yashka was jealous of MY fort because Yashka has a top bunk and Kristen made her own bed into a fort just to make sure Yashka knew how awesome forts are.
Oh and the forts are made of light blue streamers.

We have also been really into Wii Jeopardy lately.

We played eight rounds of Wii Jeopardy this weekend. Six of them were in one sitting that lasted well into the morning. There was much yelling and much rejoicing. We played a few with my mustache Mii but then we tried one with cat-shirt Jesus. And then he became lucky so we started to play ALL of the rounds with cat-shirt Jesus.

Kristen and I went to Presser twice (possibly thrice) this weekend and it was wondiferous. I don't know how or why she can handle me strugglebussing through various Gather book songs. I am almost done with Skyeescraper, though. I sort of play what's written but most of it is made up. I wrote some things down this time, though. Like a big girl. I finally nailed the bridge.

All of my pieces of technology decided to lose their respective shit this weekend.

Sforzando, my printer, no longer sucks in paper correctly. It tries to suck the paper in, then it shoots to the right and crumples and tries to print on the one corner of the paper that actually made it through. Over and over again. He has lost his shit.

Tiva, my laptop, has decided that my scroll thingie on the right side of the scroll pad is unnecessary. Some of the time. She also thinks that volume control is optional. She's fine after I make her take a nap, though. She too has lost her shit.

Dr. Addy, my phone, has decided that it no longer wants to send or receive picture messages. Just because he was jealous of Sforzando and Tiva for getting all the attention. He has lost his shit.

One of the Wii remotes (are they actually called wii-motes or did I make that up?) decided it would not charge on the charger unless I pushed down on it. Kind of like some games wouldn't start on N64 unless you blew on them then held them down, pushed a little bit forward, double-tapped the reset button, then turned the console off and on. Or was that just mine? It has lost its shit.

Trudy's okay, though. She has been very nice to me. She probably feels bad because her brother-husbands and sister-wives have lost their shit.

Things I have Learned this weekend:

- Alex Trebek's suit changes each round
- He looks good in charcoal
- Don't put the computer players on Expert
- Don't put the computer players on Expert and also put the questions on Expert
- Round 6 is much more difficult than Round 2
- All are Welcome is bullshit
- City of God is less bullshit but 6/4 time makes still a bit bullshit
- Kristen may or may not be my spirit animal
- Yashka is not allowed to have french vanilla cappuccino from Saga ever ever again
- It is possible to hurt yourself in your sleep
- The only kind of bad dancing involves lack of enthusiasm, not lack of talent
- I get a little bit weirder when Bex is gone
- It is possible to watch 3 hours of Animal Planet on mute if there are frolicking puppies and kitties
- Wearing rain boots will make it not rain
- Not wearing rain boots will make it rain
- Ames has children's books
- Technology does not respond to profanity

Out-of-context Quotes from the Weekend:

"My life has cats on it."

"You have a cool fort and everything...F*** YOU!"
"I have a fort too. Look!"

"Oh so I can't say juicy-ass shorts but you can say GRINCH SOCKS"
"Yes because juicy-ass shorts is inappropriate."

"No, like, why would it even come up?!"
"Because you're weird. Arm-licking."

"I feel like I have stoner eyes..."
"Stone eyes?"
"No, stoner eyes"
"...What does that mean? Like you have stones in your eyes?!"

"I will only play Monopoly with my husband. It's like the lace shorts. Southern accent."

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