Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A watch inside a pocket inside a coat inside a closet

Guys. I love weekends.

"No shit," you say.
"Yes shit," I say in response.

What has happened since the last time I felt the urge to write things down (aka avoiding homework)?

Studying for the Rocks test. Kristen and I spent a solid 7 hours working our way through powerpoints and making up ridiculous mnemonic devices. I even got Nack into one of them! We started losing our minds around midnight. That's when I stopped. Once the word "felsic" became funny, I thought it was time to stop.

Taking the Rocks test. It was...okay. I HATE TESTS. THEY ARE THE OPPOSITE OF WEEKENDS. But we didn't have lab because Kristen and I made the excellent decision of watching the Rocks movies earlier in the school year so we didn't have to stay for lab! So I left to go home around 2:45 instead of 6! The first two hours of the drive were fantastical. The last 40 minutes (which should have been about 13) were brutal. I hit RUSH HOUR. Which is a stupid name. It should be called SWEARING HOUR(S). 294 and I have always been on pretty good terms. Except during swearing hour(s). But I got home. Max was angry with me and shunned me as usual. He suddenly loved me again when he saw that I was eating a cookie, though. Un-shun. Then I went to pick him up. Re-shun. Damn it.

Going to Michigan! But before we left, I had many necessary things I needed to get accomplished. Like going to Panera (necessary), and going to Costco and getting two bags of Babybel (completely necessary), and going to the bank (also necessary), and going to Starbucks (partially necessary), and going to Charming Charlie (legitimately necessary because I needed to get presents).
Then we left for Michigan. It usually takes about 5 hours to get there and since we lose an hour to the time change, it's more like 6. It took us 6 actual hours of driving. Stupid traffic. Stupid rain. Stupid dresses (Nack). Stupid construction. We stopped at a random Jimmy Johns for sammiches and potty for Sirs Acorn Bladder and Shit Volume Adjustment. BUT we arrived and Nana had snacks (a given) so Nack and I snacked. So did my parents but I wanted to say Nack and snack in the same sentence.

We were sitting at the table talking when Mensa Mama asked, "Does anyone else hear an alarm going off?" We didn't but we decided to listen for it. Me, Nack, Mensa Mama, and my father all heard it. My grandparents did not. It was really faint and sounded almost like a watch going off inside a coat pocket inside a closet. But it wasn't a watch going off. Because it went off every minute. It beeped six times every minute. And it was blowing my mind. We walked around the whole first floor trying to figure out where the hell the beeping was coming from.

Maybe it's coming from the basement and we could hear the sound through the air vents?
Nope. Can't hear it any louder when you put your face next to the vents.

Maybe it's coming from the basement in one of the smaller rooms?
Nope. Can't hear it at all in the basement.

Maybe it's coming from the other side of the house!
Nope. Can't hear it on the far side of the house.

Maybe it's actually coming from a watch inside a coat inside a closet!
Nope. Can still hear it, but not coming from any of the closets.

Where do you hear it the loudest? Nowhere. It is not loud anywhere. It's just faint enough to be annoying and is DRIVING ALL 4 OF US UP A WALL.

Where do you hear it most often? When we're in the kitchen or in the family room. But not the bathroom or any of the bedrooms and bathrooms on the other side.


Where do you hear it loudest from WITHIN THE KITCHEN?
By the pantry! What the hell could be beeping in the pantry?

The alarm system! There's some cords and lights inside the pantry! Surely this must be it.
Nope. Not coming from the pantry. We did find Cheerios, though.

But I hear it when I stand by the pantry! And I hear it when I stand by the minibar in the family room! And I hear it from the dining room but only some of the time! I hear it on the couch in the family room! But it's not loud! WHAT THE HELL.

Mensa Mama and Dad give up. They go to bed. Molly gives up and goes downstairs. Nack and grandparents do NOT give up because Nana is freaking out because she can't hear it.


It's the drawer fridge IN the minibar. There is a little light that should be green and it was red. We don't know WHY it was beeping but we think it was left open just enough that it sensed that the door was open and was reminding you to close it, but it was closed enough to muffle the sound of the alarm.



I shall tell the rest of the story of my weekend in another post because this is long and words are hard sometimes. I should also maybe work on some homework...

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